Pope Francis on discerning a vocation:
Some time ago the bishop of San Bernardo in Chile asked Pope Francis, “what would you say to a young person who at this moment feels a vocation to the priesthood or religious life?” The Pope’s answer was simple, “that he allow himself to be gazed at by Jesus. Jesus is the one who calls, not the priest, nor the bishop or the Pope. It is Jesus who gazes at him with love, who shows him the people, who shows him the needs of the people of God and says, ‘if you wish, come help.’”
The bishop followed his initial question by asking, “what would you say to a young man, who sensing a vocation, fails to take a step or has a hard time doing so due to fear?” Francis recalled the rich young man who had all the necessary virtues but walked away leaving Jesus sad. “I would say,” Francis continued, “if you do not follow him, you are free to do so; but look at the sadness you cause in the heart of the Lord, and the sadness you cause in so many hearts who will be unable to resolve their problems because they lack a priest.” Speaking candidly, he concluded that a man who is fearful “should not be silly. When the Lord takes your hand, he never leaves you alone.”
Jesus is the one who calls, not the priest, nor the bishop or the Pope. It is Jesus who gazes at him with love, who shows him the people, who shows him the needs of the people of God and says, ‘if you wish, come help.’
Thinking Priesthood. Go to: https://diocesanpriest.com/