Fr Hughes Advent Course
The St. Vincent de Paul Society will be hosting the Giving Tree again this year to provide gifts to those in our community in need. We ask that parishioners who are interested in participating please take an ornament tag from the tree and return wrapped gift items with the ornament tag attached by December 15th to the base of the tree at the church.
We thank you for the prayers and generosity and wish you all a blessed Advent
The ministries listed below are in immediate need of volunteers. Please click on the link below to sign up! Thank you!
COFFEE & DONUTS FELLOWSHIP MINISTRY - Our Coffee and Donuts Fellowship Ministry - involves set up, serving and clean up after a fellowship hour after 9:30 mass on occasional Sundays as scheduled. If you would like to join this fun and delicious ministry, please contact Regina Lawless at or Betsy Molinar at Thank you in advance for your support.
DECORATIONS/ALTAR LINENS MINISTRY - Decorate the church for liturgical holidays/celebrations. Maintain linens and altar supplies Contact the Parish Office at 781 665 0152
FAITH FORMATION MINISTRY - Catechists, Assistants and Substitutes are needed for all Years 1-9. Please contact Karen Tarmey, Coordinator of Faith Formation at 781 590 4948
HOMEBOUND MINISTRY - Our need continues to grow. We are looking for additional volunteers to visit our homebound parishioners. Contact the parish Office at 781 665 0152
MUSIC MINISTRY - Children/Youth choir and adult choir. Contact Joe Cipoletta, our Music Director.
WORSHIP MINISTRY - Greeters, Lectors, Altar Servers (Grade 4 and above), Eucharistic Ministers, Sacristans. Contact the Parish Office at the Rectory at 781 665 0152
Please click and fill out the Volunteer form above or call the Parish Office at the Rectory for more information -781-665-0152
The first Thursday of each month
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is available during Adoration.